Tuesday, February 16, 2010

how technology can cause stomach ulcers

i am trying to get some of my contacts from outlook to my nokia phone. the easiest way? save the contacts i want to vcf then import them from the nokia software.

you with me? i will introduce you to my thoughts now. to get the better image, imagine me mumbling the words...

ok, go to outlook, choose a contact, choose "save as...", choose vcard, go to nokia, import vcard, viola! it works.

ok great, now, choose all the contacts i need to export, choose "save as...". hmm, no vcf format, only txt. that's weird. ok try right-click, nothing. ok maybe i'm stupid, trying help. hmmm. steps are clear in outlook 2007 (i'm still in 2003). ok hit the help for 2003. i need an add on, click the link. it takes me to the marketplace (marketplace? will this cost me?)

yes sir indeed! 25 fucking dollars so i can export more than one contact in vcf! that's the solution microsoft recommends! fucking hell!

see? ulcer. ulcer i tell you!

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