Sunday, October 22, 2006

fucking airport

note: this entry is very heated, please read at your own peril

two days ago i had the displeasure of flying out of queen alia airport. i'm a jordanian who's proud of being jordanian but constantly ashamed of jordanians all over the world. the source of my displeasure is the unfortunate fact that the airport was run by jordanians.

my flight was at 8. , so we aimed to get there at 6. we got there at 6. unfortunately, iftar was at 6:10. guess what. the fucking workers there decided to close the fucking gate. not the boarding gate, not the check-in gate, but the fucking entry gate right after the doors. there we were, with at least 100 other passengers, waiting for the fucking workers to finish eating, praying, jerking off, whatever, and kindly doing their job and letting us in. i understand that after a long day of prayer and hunger they would want to eat, but to leave their fucking jobs is fucking ridiculous. the gate opened at 6:40. 6 fucking 40. it took them 30 minutes! 30 fucking minutes to eat! man i could have had three meals in 30 minutes! what the hell were they doing in there? what kind of 3ibadeh were they doing that justifies leaving 100 people waiting for them to eat?

fucking idiots. fucking morons. i was never more angered or ashamed of being jordanian in the 25 years of being one. fucking investments. how the fuck are we supposed to attract investments if we can't keep our fucking airport open? how are we supposed to attract tourism? i don't mind bending over every time i have to deal with the government in jordan, after all, it is my government and i have to bear it, but when it comes to places that are public, that interact with all sorts foreigners, can we not be a bit more civilized? a bit more compassionate? a bit more dedicated to our jobs? a little less jordanian? fucking airport.

fucking airport.


Anonymous said...

fuck u back! instead of saying that damn word 15 times it would be better to find a solution to that problem u idiot. u know what fuck ur self, it would prabably make u feel better.

Sam Am said...

i say cheers to that good person! thank you for your comment